Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sticking with it.

I spent an hour at Chapters last night, wandering the isles, with the intent of reading a good magazine or two. It didn't take long before I ended up in the cook book section, although I was trying to avoid it. Why? I felt a little like I was having an affair with other books, when I have two perfectly sufficient cook books sitting at home, and to whom I am dedicated to for the next year. I need to stay focused, stick to the plan and learn from one source! Don't get me wrong, research is a wonderful thing, and I don't believe much in putting all your eggs in one basket. But this time is a little different, as I have done my research and decided on one source of information and I plan to stay focused! However, just for future reference, here are three books I found inspiring and are on my list for Fall 2010:

Niagara Cooks by Lynn Ogryzlo

Dough - Simple Contemporary Bread by Richard Bertinet

Knife Skills by Norman Weinstein

I am especially excited about Niagara Cooks, as it is an amazing guide to eating locally in the Niagara Region of Ontario. This is, after all, in the plan!

On the menu for the coming week:

Meats and Game
Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Sweet Potato Puree and Warm Chipotle Salsa

Pizza Margherita with mixed Greens

Potato and Leek Soup with Sorrel

Salad, Rice
Broccoli, Prosciutto and Sunflower Salad with
Risotto alla Parmigiana

Stir Fried mixed Vegetables over Angel Hair Pasta

100% Whole Wheat Bread
Cinnamon Raisin Bread

Chocolate Pecan Biscotti

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