It's been a week of non-stop construction dust, it seems we have spent many, caring hours on this panelling. (Which still cracks me up.) But I really, really love it! Adding character on a teeny budget, accomplished.

This before shot was taken during the day, the 'in-between', below, (rather) late at night without proper lighting. Stay tuned for official after shots!

In the midst of it all we celebrated Sydney's 7
th birthday. My kids are fortunate to have a grandma who makes cakes rather well. As they grow up and out of kid's birthdays, I love knowing they will look back and remember "the cakes that Gram made".

I love you, baby girl!
LOVE the kitchen! Looks awesome!! And Love Sydney too! Happy Birthday cutie pie :) Love Auntie LOLO :) lol
Hi Moni!!! Didn't know you were redoing your kitchen -- looking great so far and the paneling looks like a terrific idea. Can't wait to see the after shots!
And seven years old...wow...time flies.
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