Tuesday, October 27, 2009

That's life!

I spent a lovely day in the big city of Toronto this past Saturday, scouring the St Lawrence Market, peeking into the windows of George Brown College (hhmmm, maybe I do want to take some 'real' classes some day) and checking out restaurant supply stores for great deals. I only purchased a few small items, like mixing bowls and dog bone cookie cutters (in order to full fill a promise to my girls that we would make dog biscuits together), all in all it was a bit overwhelming for a small city dweller like me. But now I know where to go to find deals, especially odds and ends I may not find at the local Wal Mart. I wasn't surprised that I would find the best prices in China Town, since all things cheap come from China... my surprise came when all labels read, "Made in India". How ironic is that?! Either way, it works for me. I think the place was called Tap Phang, but I could be wrong. I will probably have to make some calls if I ever want to go back!

So I am feeling a bit under the weather these days, but thank goodness it's just a sore throat and stuffy sinuses for me. However, thinking of food is not always so fun when your appetite is low, so I decided I would make kiddie food this week - since it doesn't take long to get on the table, and I wouldn't have to spend energy on convincing the kids that the strange food in front of them does indeed taste super yummy.

Here's what I came up with:

Team Favourite Turkey Burger
with side salad

Chicken and Tortellini Stew

Zippity-Doo-Dah Shrimp and Pineapple Sticks
with white rice and steamed asparagus

Veggie-filled Quesadillas
with scrambled eggs and fresh tomato wedges

I'll probably mix up four loaves of bread since I discovered time management is vital to keep making home made breads; four loaves done all at once takes much less time than four done on separate occasions.

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